Get comfortable underwater

Waterman (surfer & freediver), Augusto spends his year sharing knowledge in the practises of breathing & breath bolding, and healthy living.

Augusto is the Co-founder of Survival Apnea, an education system that shares Surfer´s and Freediver´s insights with the aim to help individuals increase performance in all types of stressful and challenging situations through the development of Self Awareness & Self Control. Parallel to the above, he is a Head Coach at Wildfitness.

Which allows him to share knowledge & skills on how to live a healthy and balanced life, based on the observation of Nature and Human Evolution.

Experience team

  • Surf Survival Course

  • Breathe for Health & Performance

Surf Survival Course

With this course, the student will get powerful insights that will sharpen breathing and apnea (breath holding) skills, at the same time of being challenged to reach higher levels of Self Awareness and Self Control.

The individual will be exposed to simple and effective exercises and training methods that, over time, will deliver physical and mental adaptations, helping the participant overcome “Intense & Challenging situations” with more ease.

Learn the foundations of how to develop:
• Self Awareness and Self Control
• Skillful Breathing and Apnea (Breath Holding)
• Relaxation and Focus tools
• Tolerance to Physical Discomfort / Mental Strength

Classes: Breath Hold Journey, Urge to Breathe, Dealing with Discomfort, Progressive Exposure, Presence, Dive Reflex, Relaxation and Focus technics, Breathing Exercises, Contractions, Static Breath Holds, Safety when training, Swimming and Dynamic Apnea training methods.

Breathe for Health & Performance

A practical online workshop, including important principles around healthy and skillful breathing, plus simple and effective breathing and breath retention exercises.

The individual will be exposed to theory and simple drills to clarify what is to breathe “Naturally & Skillfully” and why it is important.

Learn the foundations behind Natural & Skillfull Breathing:
• Effects of breathing on the mind & body
• Importance of breathing Naturally & Skillfully for the moment you are in
• Spot poor breathing habits and learn to correct them
•  Re-open airways and maintain healthy lungs
Develop a resilient mind & body
• Breath Awareness and Breath Control, as tools to peak performance

Classes: Skillful breathing, Breathing and Body Chemistry, Nose Breathing, Nitric Oxide, Breathing and Breath Reduction Exercises, CO2 threshold.

stay in the ocean

Feel free to contact us if you need any further information