A disruptive force has emerged redefining
our understanding of health and wellbeing…

Welcome to Wild Wellness: an extraordinary active wellness immersion that fuses the magnificent rawness of nature with unscripted luxury. We believe that soul-stirring rejuvenation lies in forging an intimate connection with the power of nature. And here, amidst the unspoilt beauty of Sumba Island, the untamed becomes your guide, awakening dormant instincts and fostering a profound sense of liberation.

From the award-winning Spa Safari to a deep-dive into healing with wild horses, meditating underwater or our unparalleled Detox programme harnessing the curative properties of powerful Wallace Line plants, wellness at NIHI Sumba inspires a sensory tapestry that awakens your primal self.

NIHI Sumba is more than a wellness escape; it is a testament to the transformative potential of embracing the wild within. So, let us dare to lose ourselves, for it is in the depths of this wilderness that we find our way back to our true vibrant nature.

Be Wild. Be Free. Be Well.

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Our 4 Pillars

Spa Safari

Welcome to an extraordinary active wellness immersion that fuses the magnificent rawness of nature with unscripted luxury. From the award-winning Spa Safari™ to a deep-dive into healing with wild horses, meditating underwater or our unparalleled Detox program harnessing the curative properties of powerful Wallace Line plants, wellness at NIHI Sumba inspires a sensory tapestry that awakens your primal self.
We create a testament to the transformative potential of embracing the wild within. Let us dare to lose ourselves, for it is in the depths of this wilderness that we find our way back to our true vibrant nature.

Rebalance Program

Rebalance is an approachable combination of yoga, movement therapies, meditation, nutritional menu, sun, sea, and cleansing treatment regimen supported by the healing power of the island’s rare indigenous botanical species. Born deep within the heart of the rainforest, inspired by the cooconing of Mother Nature, this program is for those seeking mental and physical unloading and to slow down the Central Nervous System, with an approachable combination of Mindful movement and holistic massage therapies. It's also the perfect option if you're aiming to induce a deep sense of peace and connection with one-self. You can expect discernible clearing of mental fog, gut-biome regeneration, clarity of mind, and a feeling of embodiment and boundless energy.

Wildly Fit Program

Active Wellness is the core of this complete recalibration, a direct line to lasting transformation, guided by your expert team. Depending on your chosen program length, you can expect to gain strength and flexibility as well as fortify endurance through daily fitness activities. Find a new world of fitness with our exclusive Aqua Lungs and Rock Running. Challenge your limits with daily hikes through the most breathtaking and dramatic landscapes of West Sumba, fitness classes. Nurish your body and soul with specialised nutrient-dense cuisine, Sumba 7 remedies, and rejuvenating spa treatments.

Equine Connection Program

The horses of Sumba take the centre stage in this program. The graceful synergy between humans and horses becomes a transformative journey of healing and selfdiscovery where you learn to build trust, assert boundaries, and embrace vulnerability.
Equi-Essence introduces you to the NIHI herd and gives you a general understanding of a horse's unique sensory perspectives. Through interactive exercises of Equi-SEEN, you'll experience the world from a horse's perspective, fostering trust and vulnerability. With the dynamic movement session of Equi-TUNE you'll incorporates yoga asanas and breathwork alongside your equine partner, creating a powerful connection. With Equi-FEEL you explore the power of energetic communication with horses through physical and emotional connection. You end with Equi-SANA, designed to facilitate horse-human synchronization through sound and meditation, creating a deeply peaceful experience.